This is a list of my favorite moments in library school at the University of Alabama. This list will continuously be added to. These are in no particular order.If any one has particular moment that they wish to share then send me a message.
* Dr. Riter going on his long rants about how much he hates the sun.
* Miranda Webster and I going through the stacks while I was in my Hannibal Lector mask. I am pretty sure I scared the Civil War out of Katie Deale.
* Lizzy Theris accidentally making puppies into the wallpaper at one of the computers at the Information Desk. We had to call Office of Library Technology to get the puppies off. Those puppies sure were cute.
* Dr. Dalton giving a five minute lecture on the difference between its and it's. (One of the funniest moments in my life)
* Denise, Miranda, and I going to Buffalo Wild Wings to get footballs signed by Nick Saban at "Hey Coach". We sold each football for a 100 dollars and were able to buy a kids book for every student at a school of under privileged children.
* Dr. Dalton explaining the difference between the Jews and Palestinians after some people botched up one of the questions for an assignment. She then told them to read a newspaper. (OUCH!!!) I love Dr. Dalton.
* Susan DeBruin's "yo Mama" jokes.
* Helga informing me of how Iceland helped the allies in WWII. Apparently, Iceland was very essential to the war effort.
* Dr. Knuckles(Is this a real person) calling the Information Desk asking us to spell words that I am pretty sure he was making up.
* Dr. Dalton telling me that she was very proud of the job that I did in her class. ( I almost cried) [Okay I did cry]
* The Ghost Hunter coming to the Information Desk.
* Dorothy's corny jokes
* Denise Christa's pithy comments.
* The moment that Lizzy and I both realized we had plans for taking over the world. (Watch Out)
* Christian Robochaud always bringing up the topic of teen pregnancy around me (WHAT???)
* Pretending to work at the Information Desk and stealing questions from Allison Ladd, Lizzy Theris, Stuart Waugh, Rachel Rennick, Amy Yonts and Courtney Hicks.
* Benita talking about J.R.R. Tolkein for about twenty minutes.
* Planning Family Weekend Story Time at McLure.
* The Reforma conference was one of the most enjoyable weeks of my life.
* SLIS students and faculty pulling together after the tornado. Many students checked on each other and dispersed information about that they had found.
* Dr. Naidoo getting pulled over for speeding in Kansas coming back from the Reforma conference.
* Trying to convince Lizzy that I was not in my thirties.
* Claire Veach referring to a certain professor as "Dr. Stupid Head".
* Amy Yonts refusing to sing a song from a Winnie the Pooh movie for Dr. Naidoo
* Allison Ladd's Wedding Shower Picnic
* Edible Book Festival.