The following story is true. The names were not changed to protect the innocent.
My story begins on a day in March in 2007. So, I was studying earlier that for my Geography test and I decided to take a break and enjoy this nice weather. I went to the Quad at UA and continued reading a novel I just started,
Son of a Witch by Gregory MacGuire(the sequel to
Wicked), which my neighbor,Jacob Burnett, let me borrow.
An international student asked me to take a few pictures of him. So I put my book down and picked up his camera. He asked me to take some pictures of him near the benches close to Denny Chimes. We also got some pictures of him sitting on the bench with Gorgas library in the background.The cameras I was taking pictures with were an strange sort of thing, they had two lenses and he said that they used for 3-D imagery or something.
So after we get done taking the pictures I look to find my book and it is gone. Nobody had passed us but this one Indian girl.Neither one of us had seen her take the book nor had we seen it since she passed. The both of us were wondering why would somebody just pick up book. While we were debating this the Indian girl, who was our prime suspect was getting away. The oriental, international student guy went on his bike extremely fast to try to catch this vandel and see what she knows. Meanwhile I am kind of walking around the Quad seeing if I might have just misplaced the book. I was also trying to formulate how I was going to tell Jacob that I had lost his book that he had entrusted upon me.
After about five minutes, the oriental/international guy came back. He said he lost her. Even though he felt extremely guilty, even though it was not his fault. He thinks that this Indian girl might have been another international student such as himself. He got my e-mail and said he would send out an e-mail to all the internatiol students to see if this girl would return the book. I guess she was implementing the Finders/Keepers theory. I always thought that rule was stupid.
This event just reminded me that life is completly unpredictable and sometimes unexplainable things just happen. .....
Present Day
So, I decided to check the book out from the library where I intern at. At first, I was very excited about this opportunity to finish the story I had started. The story seemed a little disconnected as I got through it. The main character, Liir had a sorta kinda girlfriend who was lovely but he cheated on her. Liir never knew what he wanted and never accomplished his main goal which was to find his half sister. The villain was never seen once he became the villain. Very little in the book made since. This turned out to be one of the worst books that I ever read in my life. I loved
Wicked, but I hated
Son of Witch. It was just plain horrible. The moral of the story is that if an Indian girl takes something from you, then you probably don't need it.jk. Actually, perhaps the moral of the story is that maybe you should read the review of a book before you check it out. You know it is just one of those things. With all the books in the world, you run into a bad apple every once in a while. I just really hoped that I would get an awesome ending to go along with my awesome journey.