Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Library Life as of now

     I have been meaning to write this post for a while. I just keep getting distracted with other things. Life has been very busy for me so don't judge me too hard for slacking on my blog. I have wanted to write a post about working at Midwestern. I really do like working here. There are a lot of unique opportunities that I have at MBTS that I would not have at other institutions. For instance, I have so many different jobs that I do during the day. I order print and electronic books, manage social media accounts for the Library and the Spurgeon Collection, downloading items to CDM, converting cassette tapes to MP3 format,teach instruction classes, and answer reference questions. I have gained diverse experience that I may have not gotten at a larger institution. Also, living on campus gives me a unique experience since I  live among the Library patrons. I am sure there are many librarians who would welcome the opportunity of living among those they serve in order to gauge the needs of their users. My boss and coworkers in the Library are also excellent. I feel very fortunate to get to work with them.
    This past year has given me opportunities to publish in an academic journal. Last December, I published two book reviews in The Christian Librarian,the journal for the Association of Christian Librarians (ACL). Hopefully, I will get a few more book reviews published with them along with an article based on a presentation that my boss and I will give at the ACL conference based on our Personal Librarian and Research Coach programs. I may even get published in an other academic evangelical journal.
     Also, I have started serving with some professional organizations. I am currently the treasurer for the Kansas City Area Archivists. There are also several ways to get through ACL. Since starting employment at MBTS, I have been indexing for the Christian Periodical Index (CPI). CPI is an indexing resource for academic Christian periodicals provided by ACL. The past year I was elected to serve on the Association of Christian Librarians Book Award 2014-2016 for Non Fiction. I will be apart of a team that nominates and votes on the best academic Christian book published between 2014-2016. This will be a great way to serve the academic Christian community.
      Also, I have started volunteering at the WWI Museum. This has been an incredible experience. If you live anywhere near a history, art, or presidential museum, than I highly suggest you consider volunteering at that institution. This has given me a chance to not only serve my community but to learn more about a very significant point in history.
     All in all things are going very good here in KC. I am enjoying all the different ways that I get to develop professionally. This summer, I will get the chance to present at a few conferences which will take me out of my two year hiatus of conference presentations. Well, that is all for now. Hopefully, it won't be too long until my next post.

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